Wednesday, 8 January 2014

The Wide Open Sky

It's been an exciting start to 2014, here in Cambridge. It's rained incessantly, the fens full to bursting, and swans have been teaching their cygnets to land on the river Cam, a hundred metres behind my house. So I was particularly pleased that Martin Edwards has this week accepted one of my crime short stories, set in the fens, 'The Wide Open Sky' for the CWA 2014 anthology. The story's close to my heart because it's set in the flat and elemental landscape of Cambridgeshire, which I've grown so fond of. Martin's email of acceptance made me do a brief victory dance! I love writing short stories, but it's a relatively new form for me, so it's great to get an endorsement.

I started the new year with a resolution to become more media savvy, which will be quite a stretch, at first! My website has been redesigned, with links to my facebook and twitter pages, so if you're interested, I'd love it if you check out some of the pages.

By the way, if you're wondering about the photo, my husband Dave took it while out on a bike ride along the river Cam to the village of Waterbeach today.

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